The purchase of the mill, miller’s house, and the country store were completed in March 2001. Funds were received from the Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources, Washington County, the Town of Abingdon, local businesses and other sources in the private sector.
White’s Mill has long served the neighboring community. Since the late 18th centu
The purchase of the mill, miller’s house, and the country store were completed in March 2001. Funds were received from the Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources, Washington County, the Town of Abingdon, local businesses and other sources in the private sector.
White’s Mill has long served the neighboring community. Since the late 18th century, the mill provided meal and flour for the farm and kitchen, as well as a gathering place for sharing news and views.
White’s Mill has recently undergone a complete renovation to the outside structure including a new roof, siding, windows and major structural work to the hurst frame and south wall. Once the building was made structurally sound, we cleaned out the raceway and rebuilt the wooden flume. We are about to start rebuilding the gearing and cornstone so that corn can be ground with water power again.
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Over the past 20 years the White's Mill Foundation has completed the purchase and renovation of White's Mill. The Mill is now ready to transition to an educational facility and community social center that strives to be self-sustaining. This objective will be accomplished by: